How do you throw pots an other things?


Picking up pots, the only prompt that is available to me is to put the pot back down. How do you throw pots in Skyward Sword?

How do you throw pots an other things
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

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1 Answer

Lloyd Collier -

Throwing things in Skyward sword is a bit unusual. Keep in mind the game was built for the Wii’s motion controller and not for a standard controller, so there are some design decisions that were needed to make things work. 

To throw a pot, bomb or any other item in the game, you will need to either push the right thumb stick forward or down. If you push it forward, you will see an arc showing where you are going to throw it. If you push the stick down, you will be able to roll the item, assuming it allows for it (bombs do)

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