How do you get the Kikwi down from the tree?


I spoke to the Kikwi elder and crossed over a wire. I found a Kikwi up in a tree and he can’t get down because he is scared. I don’t see how to get him down though. There is a bit of a rope up there but I don’t see any way to latch onto it to pull him down.

How do you get the Kikwi down from the tree
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

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1 Answer

locknloaded -

I remember this one being tricky and having spent a log time stuck in the wind waker trying to get the chu jelly’s of the deku tree, I remembered.

You will need to sprint and perform a roll to bash into the tree. This will rock it and cause the Kikwi for fall from the tree. 

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