Natsai Running In Circles Find Archie's Hideout


I have just met Natsai in the lower Hogsfield and picked up the quest. The objective is to “Find Archie’s Hideout”. The objective marker is off in the woods but when I run toward it, it changes back to where I got the quest. When I go back Natsai is stuck running in circles and she won’t move. I am assuming she is supposed to come with me but I cant get her to stop running in circles. 

Natsai Running In Circles Find Archies Hideout
Hogwarts Legacy

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1 Answer

LeonDB40 -

Just run off into the woods without her. A big warning will come up on the screen saying not to stray from her but ignore it and keep running. When the timer runs out, the quest will reset and you can try again. Once it reloads, you should be able to run the quest correctly and she will no longer be stuck.

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