I have been collecting a lot of glimmer from chests and dismantling gear, but I havn’t really found a need to spend it on. It isn’t like we need repair kits or healing potions etc. What are some good things to spend glimmer on?
1 Answer
You can buy treasure maps from Cayde which can often obtain legendary items. The maps sell for around 4k, so if you have a lot of money to spare this is a good thing to spend it on. Some people like to buy vendor gear too. It can be useful at times if you are about to do a tough mission and need the extra protection, but in most cases, you can always find better gear out in the wild. Vendor gear is more like a buff since you will usually find new gear that is better an hour or so after buying it.
You can also spend money on shaders, but this has become a really sensitive subject for a lot of gamers. I reckon this system will be altered in the near future based on how many people are complaining about it, so I would probably hold off on this until we get some word from the developers about it.