Can't Get to objective "Track down information about the code encryption"


The quest “I am become death” has brought me to Mama Dolces food processing plant in order to “Track down information about the code encryption”. I have searched all round the place trying to find a door or some sort of switch that will open a door to get me into the lower levels of the building. There are no basement doors in or outside that I can find. The quest marker is clearly below the floor of the building though. The marker seems to be near a pipe outside but the exit holes of the pipe are not open. 

How are you meant to get inside here? Is this just a glitch or something? Is the quest actually meant to be completed at Mama Dolces food processing?

Cant Get to objective Track down information about the code encryption
Fallout 76

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1 Answer

GuacamoleFantastic -

This one is a really hard entrance to find. You will be kicking yourself a bit when you see it but you do have an excuse for missing it, it is a very easy door to miss. The entrance is outside the building, at the rear. The door for the quest is actually inside those silver pipes outside. If you go to the left side, opposide side to where the quest marker is, you will see a small ramp going down with a red door cover over the pipe. You can interact with this to open the door and it will get you go inside. 

Track down information about the code encryption
To get to the quest objective for “Track down information about the code encryption”, you will need to find the red cover on the pipe outside of the building. Once opened, you can run around to the quest location.
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