Should I Kill Crane At The Wayward?


I have been following the quests at the wayward. After getting back from the mine, I was brought upstairs and they are keeping their friend who has turned into a scorched in a room upstairs. They are making me decide whether I shoukd kill crane or not. Is there any reason to pick one option over the other?

Should I Kill Crane At The Wayward
Fallout 76

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1 Answer

Dan -

I don’t think it matters. If you kill him or let him survive, you still get the same quest reward from the guide that I read. I decided to kill him but I think you get the same perks for either. I don’t think there is any follow up quests later in the game that will be influenced by this decision. It won’t be like older Fallout games where there were bigger decisions. If two players were on a team and made different decisions, it would mess things up. You are free to do whatever you like here. It will give you the same bonus and makes no difference. 

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