Earning daily ops rewards multiple times in the same day?


The daily ops have tiered rewards. Depending on how quickly you complete it. I played once and got level 2. Played again and for the final tier. I could see the second time that it remembered my previous record. Does this mean that if I try it a third time there will be no rewards left to obtain or will I still get rewards and just set a new record?

Earning daily ops rewards multiple times in the same day
Fallout 76

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1 Answer

locknloaded -

You will continue to get rewards each time you complete it. You can do it 10 times in the one day as a way to gather lots of ammo and stimpacks. I’m not sure you can use it to farm things like treasury notes. I think you only get those once per day. But other less valuable items will be given every time you do it. Makes the events a great way to gather more supplies that you are now consuming due to the one wasteland update.

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