Can you disable hunger and thirst?


I have always loved the Fallout games but I have never really enjoyed the survival mechanics and as such, have always disabled them. I want to do the same for Fallout 76 but I am unable to find where to do it. Is there a way to disable the survival mechanics in this game so that you do not have to deal with hunger and thirst anymore?

Can you disable hunger and thirst
Fallout 76

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1 Answer

Dan -

It would be unfair to force the mechanic on some and not on others when this is a PvP online game. Because of this, the survival aspects of this game are fixed. It is not possible to disable the hunger and thirst mechanics. 

There are some perk cards you can get that will increase the value of food and drink, make you gain less rads from water, craft double, slow down the speed at which you get hungry etc. If the mechanic is still a huge issue for you after several hours of playing, there are lots of perks that will pretty much make you forget about it.

At first, it might seem like the game is going to become a nightmare but it is not. There is never really a shortage of supplies. Rather than running around with an inventory filled with salsbury steaks and eating 20 in one go to fill your health, you will need to be more tactical. It actually makes the game a lot more fun as it is a new layer.


  1. No, it is not more enjoyable, it is a chore.

  2. I hate fallout 76. It cost too much in the first place and it is totally unplayable.
    A. Why should everyone suffer because a bunch of idiots want to make it more difficult for themselves.

    B. Why can’t I increase the amount of items I can store regardless of how many containers I build. I don’t want to keep having to sell hard earned gear for peanuts or losing it because I just can’t carry any more and have to drop half my inventory.

    Is there a pause button. I haven’t played for more than a year because I got I got too irritated with not being able to just press pause to go to the toilet..

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