I can't get more settlers to come to my settlement!


I have been working on improving my settlement for days. I have almost maxed out the build meter and I have all the stats that I need in order to make people happy. The happy essentially arrow has been pointing up for most if the time I have had the settlement, but the number doesn’t seem to ever change. What am I doing wrong here? Why can’t I get more people to come to my settlement?

I cant get more settlers to come to my settlement!
Fallout 4

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1 Answer

Dan -

Welcome to the glitch and buggy world of Fallout 4 settlements. The good news about most of the known issues with the settlement system is that they can usually be fixed in game. In your case, you have likely built some things that are hurting the happiness, but the game is not correctly reporting it. 

There are a few key things that contribute to the happiness of a settlement. If settlers are happy, more will come and they keep coming until the capacity is met. If you a having trouble raising happiness and attrwcting more settlers, the following steps will help you increase the happiness and get more settlers.

  1. Build enough beds. Capacity is 20 so have this many beds
  2. Build stores, level 3 medical stores provide the most happiness.
  3. Build enough food and water sources so there is at least 1 per settler. 
  4. Raise defense. There is no set amount for this. Some suggest 1 per settler, but It is fun to build a strong defense up anyway, so focus in raising this as high as possible. 


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