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100% Automated Wheat Flour Farm

Growing wheat is one of the more boring elements of Craftopa. Getting water, gathering wheat, putting it into the cooking pot. It is all very slow and tedious for a fairly low yield of output. Thankfully, the games automation tools...
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Power USB Ports When PS5 Is In Rest Mode

The PlayStation 5 has two front facing USB ports and one rear port. These can be used to charge controllers and connect items when the console is in use. Depending on your power options, you might find that there is...
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How To Turn Off DualSense Adaptive Triggers

Haptic feedback has become one of the biggest parts of the PlayStation 5. Having stuck with the tried and trusted Dualshock design for four console generations, the renaming shows a shift in direction with the technology behind the PlayStation controllers....
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Mute Dualsense Microphone By Default

One of the cool features of the Dualsense controller is the built-in microphone that will allow you to communicate with others without the need for a dedicated headset. One problem with this is you often find players are sharing their...
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Monster Harvest Review

Score: 5.5/10
Monster Harvest tries to blend a charming, carefree farming sim with a Pokemon-style combat system. A tall order for any game to try and achieve success. Can these ingredients be combined with some 8-bit frosting to produce an enjoyable game?...
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How to turn off HDCP on the PS5

There was a time when PlayStation gamers were plagued with issues relating to HDCP. This was back in the day before consoles had the ability to record gameplay. Today, most players can easily stream gameplay from the console without needing...
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How To Increase Stamina

It doesn't take long for you to realise that stamina is a rather frustrating limitation of Monster Harvest. It is going to limit almost every element of gameplay and earning money. Everything from picking flowers to catching fish drain an...
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How To Sell Items

If you are someone who tends to skip through walls of text to get stuck into the action of the game, you may end up missing one critical part of the gameplay in Monster Harvest. How to actually sell items...
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Easy Ways To Make Money In Monster Harvest

After playing this game for a few hours, one thing became quite clear to me. The $15,000 building upgrades and expansions were going to be a VERY long way away for me to have enough money to purchase them. After...
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How To Use The Barn

The game's tutorial doesn't really cover the barn very well and after saving up a lot of money to be able to construct it, I was rather annoyed when I had no idea how to actually use it to raise...
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How To Get Inside The Saloon

During your explorations of Planimal Point, you are bound to come across the local bar or saloon. When you approach the doors, they do not open like all of the other buildings of the town. It turns out you are...
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Guide To The Dungeon

The dungeon will be introduced to you early on in the game. This is where you must go at night time with your planimals in order to fight and also to gather some unique resources that can only be found...
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Building The Perfect Farm

Farming is the core mechanic in Monster Harvest and it is something you will spend a lot of time doing in the early parts of the game. Fortunately, as you progress further in the game, there will be items you...
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What Does Soil Level Do?

Soil level is a bit of a mysterious thing that you will find at your farm. You can interact with it by selecting the signpost that has a black heart on it next to the path out of your farm....
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Complete Guide To Fishing

Fishing is a mini game available in Monster Harvest that allows you to catch fish as a useful source of income. Once you have a fishing rod, you can simply approach body of water and cast your line in to...
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Calming Cove or Glowing Glade?

During your exploration of Planimal Point, you are sure to find the two piles of rubble on either side of the town. It costs a fairly hefty $1500 to clear the rubble to calming cove or glowing glade which will...
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Guide To Mounts

The map in Monster Harvest is not the biggest map in a video game but since you will have to do a lot of walking back and forth, it would be nice if there was a way to speed this...
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What Does The Bunker Do?

As you are clearing all of the rocks and trees that are getting in the way of your farm expansion, you will stumble upon a structure at the bottom left corner of your farm. From the outside, it looks like...
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How To Find Hidden Crates

After playing a couple of missions in Aliens: Fireteam Elite, you may have noticed that you failed to find a Hidden Create in a certain level. What are these crates and how do you find them? Well, the hidden crates...
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Aliens: Fireteam Elite Review

Score: 7.5/10
Aliens Fireteam Elite is the latest video game being added to the collection of games set in the Alien universe and has taken a big leap away from the previous game, Alien Isolation. Join up with two others online and...
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Guild Name Generator

Creating an unforgettable and unusual guild name is essential for any avid gamer or role-playing enthusiast. A great guild name sets the tone for your group's adventures and fosters camaraderie among its members. That's where this versatile Guild name generator...
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Offensive PSN Name Generator

Creating an offensive name on PSN is difficult. The network has a strict check on anyone using name ideas that have bad language or any inappropriate words. This often makes it hard to use any offensive names for your PSN...
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Ghost of Tsushima - Guide To Dueling

Duels are a big part of the combat in Ghost of Tsushima. A one on one battle between two warriors where for one to win the other must die. There are a large number of duels in this game across...
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Transfer PS4 Game Save To PS5 Ghosts of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushiuma is getting a high definition remaster and being released as a native port to the Playstation 5 as a director's cut. For those that really enjoyed the game on PS4, you will be excited to see what...
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Ghost of Tsushima Combat Tutorial

In the time away from the game, have you completely forgotten how to play this game? If so, you are not alone. Having spent time playing Skyward Sword, going back to Ghosts of Tsushima to play the Directors Cut version...