One Joycon Dying Faster Than The Other


I think there might be an issue with one of my Joycon controller parts. One of them is consistently dying faster than the other one. It isn’t the end of the world, but I am curious as to why this is happening. Is there an issue with the battery on one of them. Can i return it to the store if there is an issue with the battery?

1 Answer

Dan -

Joycons have independent batteries. Depending on the game, you might end up pressing buttons and doing things with one Joycon more than the other. This will cause the battery to die faster on one of them than the other. I wouldn’t consider this to be an issue with the battery of any issue with the controller. It sounds like fairly normal and expected behavior considering how the batteries are setup wth these controllers. 

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Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a groundbreaking hybrid gaming console, released by the renowned Japanese video game company, Nintendo, in March 2017. The console's innovative design allows users to seamlessly transition between a home gaming system and a portable handheld device, revolutionizing the gaming experience for millions of players. Featuring a 6.2-inch touchscreen and detachable Joy-Con controllers, the Switch offers a unique gaming experience that combines the best aspects of traditional…


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