game controller


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

One Joycon Dying Faster Than The Other
Why is one of my Joycon controllers battery dying faster than the other. One controller always needs to be charged before the other one. Is there an issue? View Answer
How do you charge the Switch Joycon controllers?
How do you charge the joycon controllers? I have seen people have a wire to the controller attachment but my controller does not have this View Answer

View All Gaming Questions & Answers


For those thinking of doing something they are unsure about, maybe a repair for an out of warranty product. Here are some useful hardware guides related to the game controller.

How To Take Apart A Dualshock 3

How To Take Apart A Dualshock 3

Taking apart a Dualshock 3 is relatively simple, but putting it back together is not to simple. If you have a broken button or have…
How To Take Apart A Dualshock 4 Controller

How To Take Apart A Dualshock 4 Controller

Generally speaking, the Dualshock 4 is fairly sturdy and there aren't too many reasons that it would need to be repaired. In the event that…
How To Use PS Move Controllers With the PSVR

How To Use PS Move Controllers With the PSVR

If you have just purchased a PSVR or the PS Move controllers, you might not immediately figure out how they work. The PlayStation doesn't do…
View hardware guides for all platforms


Destiny 2 Box Art

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is the highly successful follow-up to Destiny, created by Bungie. Join up with friends to take on hordes of enemies across various planets in this AAA coop first-person shooter.


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How To Use PS Move Controllers With the PSVR

If you have just purchased a PSVR or the PS Move controllers, you might not immediately figure out how they work. The PlayStation doesn't do a great job at explaining it. This is why I have put together this quick...
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How To Take Apart A Dualshock 4 Controller

Generally speaking, the Dualshock 4 is fairly sturdy and there aren't too many reasons that it would need to be repaired. In the event that you want to make some cosmetic changes or fix something that is broken inside, this...
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How To Take Apart A Dualshock 3

Taking apart a Dualshock 3 is relatively simple, but putting it back together is not to simple. If you have a broken button or have smashed the controller off the ground in anger and need to repair it. This guide...

Can the PS Aim controller be used outside of the VR?


How do you charge the Switch Joycon controllers?

How do you charge the joycon controllers? I have seen people have a wire to the controller attachment but my controller does not have this

One Joycon Dying Faster Than The Other

Why is one of my Joycon controllers battery dying faster than the other. One controller always needs to be charged before the other one. Is there an issue?

Do Dualshock 3 controllers work with the PS4?


How do you turn off the PS4 controller?


What makes game controllers vibrate?


Aiming Lag With Controller On PS4
