Nintendo Switch Help & Discussions

This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips for the Nintendo Switch. If you are stuck in the middle of a repair or something isn't working correctly for you, check out the questions below and you may find what you are looking for. Feel free to post a question if you want to get some help or just want to discuss something about thie Nintendo Switch


Why am I getting such awful download speeds with the Nintendo switch even though I have a really good internet connection.

Does the Nintendo Switch support achievements like the Xbox and the Playstation have on the network accounts

I have seen lots of pictures and videos of people being able to run emulators for the NES, SNES, N64 and others on the Nintendo Switch. These always show people playing on the actual console itself. Can the Switch be docked and the games running on these emulators be used on the TV rather than […]

I have gone to my profile from the nintendo e shop. When I try to redownload a game I click the cloud icon and it gives me a message saying that the download has started and that I can track the download from the home menu. When I go to the home menu to check […]

I was able to use AMIIBOs with the Wii U by scanning the base of the model over the game pad where there was a little indicator. I know the switch version of Breath of the Wild supports AMIIBOs, but I can’t figure out how to use them. I have the tool active in game […]

Is it possible to purchase a game cart from Asia or some other region that is different from the system and still be able to play the game? Does the Switch itself or the game carts for the Switch have any sort of region protection applied to them?

What is the power comsumption of the Nintendo Switch when compared to other consoles. I know it mostly depends on the game and how heavily it uses the system resources, but what would be the ballpark figures that the Switch uses.

Apparently there is an SD card on the Nintendo Switch to store games on. I dont see anywhere to insert the card into though. Where is the slot?

How do you charge the joycon controllers? I have seen people have a wire to the controller attachment but my controller does not have this

Does the Nintendo Switch allow people to take screenshots and videos of games like the Playstation 4 does when you are playing games