Is There A Way To Destroy or Move Walls?


Is there a quick way to destroy or move a wall after it has been built. I have been able to destroy walls with my pick axe in order to get rid of them, but I would have thought there would be a way to recycle them in order to get my resources back. I tried editing the wall and deleting all of the panels in it, but it doesnt allow me to do this. Is there any faster way of destroying them without havng to break the wall and loose any resources that were spent to build it in the first place?

Is There A Way To Destroy or Move Walls

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

Walls can’t be moved at the moment and it is also not possible to destroy or scrap them using any building mechanic in the game. The only way to remove a wall at the moment is to destroy it with the axe. It is a pretty stupid issue and I can see this being resolved in the future. 

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