How do you get Into Farley's House?


The front door to the white shouse is locked. I’ve gotten a lot done around the town, but this door hasn’t been something that opens. Around the back there is a doorway that looks like it goes into the back of the white house, but it is locked with a keypad lock. I tried entering some random numbers that I found around the town but it does not unlock the door for me. What is the door code for the lock around the back of the white house in Hunrath. If this is one of those codes that changes for everyone, how can I figure out what the code is?

How do you get Into Farleys House

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

There is a secret door behind the house. Once you get to the trainyard, keep walking toward the cliffs. You will find a door inside a cave that is locked with a keycode lock. This is the back door into the house. There was a hint on a piece of paper somewhere that is instructing someone to change the password of this door to the address backwards.  I dont know if this is different for everyone, but if you look on the post near the front door there is a 4 digit address number. Enter this backwards to unlock the door and gain access to the white house in Hunrath. For me the code was 6341

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