Can You Play Fortnite Without Internet?


I know the main appeal of Fortnite is the big Battle Royale game modes where loads of people play together. Is there any way to play this game over a LAN connection or against bots?

Can You Play Fortnite Without Internet

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1 Answer

Dan -

Fortnite requires an internet connection, there is no way around it. LAN games are rare enough to begin with and even more rare when you are talking about a free to play game. Since the main source of revenue for Epic is with selling in game content, they don’t want people to have too much playing Fortnite without an internet connection, otherwise they wont be able to sell you everything.


  1. Please can you work on how to play fortnite without internet

    • how to play an internet based game without internet….gonna be a while working this one out!

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