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What to look for in a good Gaming Laptop

Gaming on laptops is far more accessible now than it ever has been. Components that go into the average gaming laptops are getting more powerful with every iteration that allow a laptop to stand up to the performance of a...
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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Review

Score: 8/10
Over the past few years, Nintendo have been incredibly good at breathing life back into some of the older Zelda games. On the Wii U we got a remake of the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess and on the 3Ds...
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Whats with all the Mario Characters in Link's Awakening?

Link’s Awakening is the latest game to be released in the Legend of Zelda franchise. This is a remake of a gameboy game from 1993, so there is a substantial change in format from what we had in Breath of...
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Getting Drunk and Killing Demons..I'm In!

Gaming News
I spotted a game called Big Drunk Satanic Massacre a few weeks back and it looked pretty crazy. The name was enough to give the impression that this was going to be more about blowing shit up and less about...
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Take a Break From Stories to Blow Things Up

Gaming News
The 1990s produced a very unique style of FPS. Minecraft has brought a resurgence in popularity of 8-bit, but the low res style of 90s shooters has been left untouched. An upcoming arena shooter called Demon Pit is looking like...
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Video Game Terminology Index

Video games are one of the more technical art forms out there. With anything technical comes a lot of terminology and references that can often seem a bit confusing. More often than not, the phrases, acronyms and terms sound far...
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What Is Fog of War?

The term Fog of War is something that is used in the context of military but it is also a gaming term and has a more specific meaning in video games. In recent years, it is something that is not...
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Resolution Vs Frame Rate - Which Is Most Important

Resolution vs frame rate is a touchy debate that can go one way or the other depending on the game that is being referenced. When faced with deciding one over the other, it can be difficult to decide as having...
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What Is Texture Pop In

Have you ever been gaming and a level will load but everything looks all muddy and blurry. After a few seconds, everything will suddenly become clear and sharp? Don’t worry, you do not need glasses, this is something known as...
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HDR And How It Impacts Gaming

HDR is the latest buzzword that came along with the latest generation of game consoles. It has of course been a thing for much longer than that. The mysterious acronym is something that very few people really understand. What is...
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Importance of FPS In Video Games

FPS is an acronym that stands for Frames per Second. As you are probably aware, it can often be the cause of many arguments and debates within the gaming community. For those wanting to know what it is, I will...
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Mutant Year Zero: Seed of Evil Review

Score: 8.5/10
Seed of Evil picks up where the story left off in base game of Mutant Year Zero. It is quite rare these days to see a story continue on as part of a DLC expansion rather than building an entirely...
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Fantasy Character Name Generator

Stories that fall into the area of fantasy span a huge period of time. There can be medieval fantasy to futuristic fantasy. The time periods might be fictional but we can relate them to periods of history or the idea...
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Medieval Name Generator

Welcome to the medieval name generator, where you can create cool and unique medieval names for your fantasy world! Whether you're an author, game master, or simply a history enthusiast, here there is a wide range of random medieval names...
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Mafia Name Generator

Welcome to our innovative Mafia Name Generator! Immerse yourself in the world of the Italian Mafia, mobsters, and crime families by generating a multitude of unique Mafia names for both male and female mob members. Whether you're a writer, a...
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Vampire Name Generator

Unearth your perfect vampire identity with this Vampire name generator. With options for both male and female vampires, you can create mysterious and intriguing names that will make you feel like a character straight out of your favorite vampire novel....
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Minecraft Username Generator

Are you looking to elevate your gaming experience with a unique, impressive, or just downright cool Minecraft username? If so, you've landed on the right page! We understand that settling on the perfect moniker isn't just about aesthetics; it's about...
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Nickname Generator

Are you tired of using the same old username or nickname for your online presence? Or perhaps you're looking for a new way to address your friends, both online and offline? Look no further! This random nickname generator is here...
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Devil Name Generator

In the realm of fantasy and role-playing games, names hold immeasurable power. They add depth to characters, revealing their backstory, their nature, and their intentions. Naming a devilish character is an exciting and challenging task, requiring a delicate balance of...
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The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors Review

Score: 7/10
The Ninja Saviors is a remake of a 90s beat em up from the SNES called Ninja Warriors. We can only assume a trademark conflict with the TV series was the reason behind the game getting renamed. You might think...
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The Sojourn Review

Score: 7/10
Making a mark on the 3D puzzle genre is a difficult task. With games like Witness and The Talos Principle, a game really needs to throw everything at the player to make an impactful experience. The Sojourn brings a large...
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Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review

Score: 8/10
The world has been ravaged by war, modern civilization has been completely wiped out. What remains within the rubble of this post apocalyptic world is a very unusual take on the genre. Creativity shines through the gritty wasteland to give...
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Mutant Year Zero Has Really Grown On Me

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden managed to catch my eye a long time ago when it was still in development. It isn’t every day you get some gritty post apocalyptic game with a human sized duck in it. If...
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Draw Distance In Video Games

Back in the early 2000s, the term draw distance was used a lot more than it is today. Not because it doesn’t exist anymore, but because it was a bigger technical hurdle for game developers. In the early 2000s 3D...
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The Blackout Club Review

Score: 6/10
It is quite a common movie situation where the adults are oblivious to the impending danger and it is up to the kids to save the day. It is not a premise that is used very often in video games...