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Forager Review

Score: 7/10
Sometimes it feels like everyone is trying to jump onto the Minecraft bandwagon. Endless streams of games based on an 8-bit sandbox world. It can always be hard to pick the good from the bad. Forager certenately has some elements...
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Evil Name Generator

Choosing the perfect name for your villainous character can be a daunting task. Whether you're a writer, a game developer, or simply someone with a vivid imagination, an evil name generator can be an invaluable tool in bringing your dark...
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Demon Name Generator

Welcome to our one-of-a-kind Demon Name Generator, where you can create unforgettable male and female demon names for all your Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) adventures, fantasy stories, and more! Our powerful tool combines a vast pool of malevolent ideas, ensuring...
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The Blackout Club First Impressions

My adventures into the horror genre are very few and far between. I am a total wuss for this stuff. It isn’t very often I’d even consider a horror game, but blackout club was one I thought might be worth...
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PlayStation 3 Slim Power Consumption

The original Phat PS3 was an absolute tank in many ways. Power consumption was one of them. The thing produced more heat than an actual heater. The PS3 slim was launched with a better design that fixed the Phat systems...
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Xbox One S Power Consumption

The Xbox One S was the first major revision of the Xbox One console and came with a lot of changes. Apart from the fact that it was considerably smaller, It was also a lot more energy efficient. In fact,...
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Steam Username Generator

Steam is the leading platform for PC gaming and has been for quite some time. The future looks good..despite what Epic might be trying to do to change that. Like many online gaming networks, users will need to generate a...
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Fallout Name Generator

Fallout games have always allowed the player to build a character from scratch. Whether you are someone who spends hours perfecting your face only to wear a helmet for the rest of the game or you just click random and...
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PSN Username Generator

Times have changed, it is now possible to change your PSN username! Now you can finally get rid of that terrible username that you thought was the funniest thing ever back when you were 14. The big question now is,...
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Clan Name Generator

Looking for a good clan name? Look no further than our clan name generator! With this powerful tool, you can generate countless unique and creative clan name ideas that will help your clan stand out from the rest. We've scoured...
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Fortnite Clan Name Generator

Looking to create a new Fortnite clan and need some help coming up with a clan name? Well the help has arrived, this tool is a clan name generator that generate lots of random suggestions that you can use for...
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Random Username Generator

Welcome to the amazing random username generator, the ultimate tool for creating unique and eye-catching online identities! Whether you're a hardcore gamer looking for a random game username or just someone who wants to add some flair to their online...
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Xbox Gamertag Generator

Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of Xbox, having a badass and memorable gamertag is essential to creating a standout online presence. Your gamertag is your virtual identity, representing you in the gaming community and making...
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Forager Game Guide

Forager is a delightful adventure game where you must gather resources from the world in order to craft items, construct buildings and take on enemies. It feels like a good blend between Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda. Throughout the...
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Forager Items and Resources

Harvesting items and resources is the core mechanic of Forager. Much like Minecraft, you must use tools to gather resources from the surrounding areas. A lot of the items in the game are fairly obvious and function as you might...
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You might find the odd Cinderbloom hidden away in the desert temple but this isn’t enough to keep you going. It sure won't be enough to fill the collection of 50 that is required in the museum. Where to Find...
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Another of the advanced components that might catch you by surprise when you are more familiar with dealing with Minecraft style elements. Fiberglass is one of the more advanced crafting components that you need to create later on in the...
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Nightbloom is the evil cousin of lavender. It grows in the exact same way but in a different location. You will come across this as a crafting component for a few items and you will more than likely be asking...
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The best friend of bees and a lovely smell, the uses for it in Forager differ slightly from the real world, but then again, how many of us harvest this stuff? Where to find Lavender Lavender can be found in...
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Circuit Board

Your first encounter with this as a crafting requirement will likely be a bit of a weird one if you have not constructed the more advanced buildings in the game. Where the hell is this supposed to come from?  Where...
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Plastic is probably going to be the first item in Forager that leaves you a little stumped. How is plastic made in the real world? Plastic is an item that you must craft in this game. You will not be...
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Oil is a very precious resource in Forager as it is the source of almost all of the complex and high tier crafting components. Items like plastic are made entirely of oil and since plastic is used in everything a...
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Jalapenos are hot red peppers that require a hot climate to grow on earth. As you might expect, Jalapenos in Forager are also found in hot regions. Once you unlock an area of the map that contains desert, Jalapenos will...
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Bone is a common crafting ingredient that you will require at some stage when you are upgrading your gear. You may find a glove upgrade requires bone before you have found the area. Before you waste time trying to dig...
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The lighthouse building is available later on in the game and is something that you may not have too much interest in at first. What does the lighthouse even do? It lights up the land for you. Seems kinda weird...