Setting up a clan can be a really exciting experience in any video game. No longer having to spend time as a lone wolf or maybe its just fun to finally make your squad an official clan. Coming up with a name for a clan is often a difficult task. What is the perfect name to cover all of the team players?
One useful, and often forgotten idea is to create a solid theme and get players to change their Gamertag in order to fit with the theme of the new clan. Now that it is possible to do on PSN, if you are dedicated enough to your clan, the small fee to change may be worth the trouble. Now you just need Gamertag ideas for clans.
Finding a Clan Theme
Finding the perfect theme for a clan will depend on a couple of things. The type of games that you are into will normally be the main factor. There is no point in picking an awesome war name for a team of players who play a fantasy MMORPG.
The clan theme is up to you and the team to decide upon but it is one of the most important steps in getting started with a gaming clan. Once you have this, you can move onto the next step.
Creating New Gamertags For Players
This is where people are going to have to part with their cold hard cash. Changing your Gamertag is not free. We have all been down the road at some stage where you have a username of some kind that you absolutely hate. Changing it is just a difficult as you want to be sure you don’t use something you will hate down the road.
There is a really useful tool on this site for creating Gamertags with a specific theme. It will allow you to use a filter to select specific types of game genres. If you are wanting to make a Call of Duty clan, then selecting the war filter will give you lots of suggestions that are related to war and conflict. Allow all of the gamers in the clan to use this and when everyone has something perfect, the blueprints to the clan will be complete. That tool will give you all the Gamertag ideas for clans that you could ever need.
For the best results in game lobbies, it is good to use a similar naming format for all players. For example, if one player likes Xx_myname_xX then pass this by the rest of the players to see if everyone wants to use it. If the entire clan has a Gamertag like this, the online lobbies will look pretty damn cool when your team shows up to kick some ass!