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Fallout Clan Name Generator

Fallout 76 is the first game in the franchise to feature online functionality. Players can join up and play together. Taking on random events or playing through the entire story mode with a team of up to three people. This...
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Fallout 76 Resource Farming Guide

Resources and Crafting are new mechanics that were introduced to the Fallout franchise as part of the settlement system in Fallout 4. It was a fun feature but for players who didn't have to deal with hunger and thirst, it...
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Screw Farming Guide

Screws make up the trifecta of crafting in Fallout 76. Screws, springs and gears are items that are very frequently found together in mechanical items but also required in most crafting blueprints to be used together.  This guide will show...
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Spring Farming Guide

Springs are another crafting component in Fallout 76 that exists in high amounts but due to the fact that they are a key ingredient in lots of weapons, armour, mods and various other crafting items, you will find yourself needing...
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Fertilizer Farming Guide

Fertilizer is a crafting component in Fallout 76 that can be used in the creation of chems and explosives. Another very common use is for farming. In order to grow crops at your own CAMP, you will need to use...
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Rubber Farming Guide

Rubber is a relatively common crafting component in Fallout 76 that can be obtained fairly easy from junk materials. Finding large amounts at once is not too easy, however. This guide will show you some of the best ways to...
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Gunpowder Farming Guide

Gunpowder is a crafting item in Fallout 76 that is the key component when creating bullets. Gunpowder is unlike other crafting in components in that you will not obtain it from scrapping junk.  There are two ways to obtain gunpowder....
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Cloth Farming Guide

Cloth is a material that is so common that you are likely to overlook the need to gather it during the early stages of the game. It can be used for creating various clothing and some furniture. Since most of...
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Lead Farming Guide

Lead is a metal that is commonly used for blocking radiation. This property has also been extended into the world of Fallout 76. Lead can be used when crafting armor as a means to boost radiation resistance. This is a...
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Gear Farming Guide

Gears are a common crafting component in Fallout 76. While they are very common and can be found in a large number of very common items, you will find you can sometimes run out. Gears are often needed for many...
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Gold Farming Guide

Gold is one of those items that we all know is valuable but has no idea what good it is to us. Is good just worth selling for caps or can it be used for other things? Most people won't...
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Best Ways To Farm Gold Bullion

Gold Bullion is a brand new currency added to Fallout 76 as part of the Wastelanders update. This is a late-game currency that can be used to purchase a lot of awesome plans and loot that would otherwise be very...
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Concrete Farming Guide

Concrete is a common crafting material used when building foundations and other structures as part of your camp or workshop. Generally, you will not need a huge amount of this unless you are getting very creative with your CAMP. For...
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Aluminium Farming Guide

Aluminium is a metal that is fairly common to find across the wasteland but depending on your circumstances, you may find you are using far more of it for crafting than you are finding. When you badly want to get...
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Black Titanium Farming Guide

Black Titanium is a high end crafting material that is not something people often need until much later in the game. It is used for some special weapons for high-level power armor. The item only drops from a very small...
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Ballistic Fiber Farming Guide

Ballistic Fibre is one of those resources that isn't an obvious find. Most of us can't go listing items that contain it unless you have played past fallout games. Even if you do know what items to look for, you...
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Adhesive Farming Guide

Adhesive is a material you will need for crafting a large number of materials in Fallout 76. Locating adhesive is not immediately obvious and is less difficult once you know that bottles of wonderglue are not the only sources of...
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Wood Farming Guide

Wood is a core material that you will need to use a lot in Fallout 76. It is used in the vast majority of buildings for your CAMP but it is also used for creating food and freshwater, assuming you...
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Plastic Farming Guide

Plastic is a fairly common resource in Fallout 76 but it is often concentrated in certain areas. Knowing these areas will allow you to pick up a crazy amount of plastic in a short amount of time. Even without knowing...
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Acid Farming Guide

Acid is a crafting component in Fallout 76 that you may not have much use for in the early stages of the game. Later on in the game, you will discover that acid is required for the production of gunpowder....
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First Impressions of Fallout 1st

I have been playing Fallout 76 for the past week and decided to make the jump and pay for Fallout 1st. I wanted to share my first impressions on this subscription service to help others decide whether Fallout 1st is...
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Powering up Poseidon Quest Guide

Capturing the Poseidon power plant is a fairly big event that gives you a 1-hour timer to complete. If you are a low-level player, capturing it may be quite difficult to do alone, but it is possible. This guide will...
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How To Server Hop In Fallout 76

The vast amount of guides and videos you will find for grinding XP, caps, crafting items and events in Fallout 76 will tell you that the best way to to it is to server hop. If you have Fallout 1st,...
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Into the Fire Quest Guide

You will pick up a quest at a fire station called into the fire. This quest will involve you having to take on a series of tests in order to test whether you are fit for the job. The quest...
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Avengers Spiderman Being Exclusive To PlayStation Is a Loss For Everyone

Over the past few years, we have seen both PlayStation and Xbox secure exclusive content for video games that are published on both platforms. The practice is quite frustrating for fans of the game who have to wait for content...