Microsoft Leaks Upcoming PlayStation Q Price

In a surprising turn of events, a recent tweet from journalist Stephen Totilo (@stephentotilo) has revealed a potential leak from Microsoft regarding the highly anticipated PlayStation Q. According to the tweet, Microsoft’s lawyers have inadvertently disclosed that the upcoming gaming console is expected to retail for under $300, with a likely recommended retail price (RRP) of $299.

This price point is sure to make waves in the gaming community, as it indicates Sony’s intention to make the PlayStation Q an affordable and accessible option for gamers. The competitive pricing could potentially lead to a fierce battle between Microsoft and Sony, as both companies strive to capture the attention and wallets of gaming enthusiasts. As we eagerly await further details on the PlayStation Q, one thing is for sure: the gaming landscape is about to get even more exciting. Stay tuned for more updates on the PlayStation Q and its impact on the industry!

It is hard to know whether this does indeed mean the price is going to be $299.99 or it can be anything below $300 ranging from $100 and up. We will have to wait and see. Perhaps this leak may force Sony to reveal a little more than expected.

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