

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Is there any use for Gold Nuggets outside of selling them?
[Pokémon Legends: Arceus] - Is there any reason to keep the gold nuggets that you get in the game. Do they offer anything important later on in the game? View Answer

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Pokémon Legends: Arceus Box Art

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Pokémon Legends: Arceus sets to flip the entire series of Pokémon upside down by completely reinventing the gameplay. Gone are the days of bumping into wild Pokémon as you walk in the long grass. Pokémon Legends: Arceus introduces us to a fully open-world adventure. The action exploration model is built on top of the traditional RPG elements of previous Pokémon games giving us something completely new. Interact with wild Pokémon…


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Microsoft Leaks Upcoming PlayStation Q Price

Gaming News
In a surprising turn of events, a recent tweet from journalist Stephen Totilo (@stephentotilo) has revealed a potential leak from Microsoft regarding the highly anticipated PlayStation Q. According to the tweet, Microsoft's lawyers have inadvertently disclosed that the upcoming gaming...

Is there any use for Gold Nuggets outside of selling them?

Is there any reason to keep the gold nuggets that you get in the game. Do they offer anything important later on in the game?
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HTC Vive Release Date and Price Announced

Gaming News
The HTC Vive has not been getting quite as much heat as the Oculus Rift, but things look like they are about to change as the VR headset, which is the child of a HTC / Valve partnership looks like...