Should You Take The DMSO Or Leave Some In City And The Stars?

Take The DMSO Or Leave Some

The City and the Stars is a main quest in The Outer Worlds that presents the player with a morally challenging decision involving the future of the Halcyon colony. Here’s a detailed explanation of the quest, its pivotal decision point, and its potential outcomes and rewards.

The player is tasked with obtaining a chemical called Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) to revive the Hope colonists who have been in cryosleep for decades. To do so, they must travel to Byzantium, the capital city of the Halcyon colony, and infiltrate the Ministry of Accuracy and Morale.

Upon reaching the Ministry, the player learns that the DMSO is being used for a project called “Lifetime Employment Program,” which aims to solve the colony’s food shortage by placing a majority of the population into suspended animation. The player is faced with a difficult decision: take the entire batch of DMSO to revive the Hope colonists, or leave some of it for the Lifetime Employment Program to help the existing population of Halcyon. The decision is challenging because it forces the player to weigh the benefits and consequences of two morally complex options:

  • Take all of the DMSO to revive the Hope colonists, who have valuable skills and knowledge that could help save the colony, but potentially doom the existing population by depriving them of the resources needed for the Lifetime Employment Program.
  • Leave some of the DMSO for the Lifetime Employment Program, which could help address the colony’s food shortage problem, but risk the lives of the Hope colonists who may not be able to survive without the full amount of DMSO.

Outcomes and Rewards Take The DMSO Or Leave Some

  • Taking all of the DMSO: If the player chooses to take all of the DMSO, they will prioritize reviving the Hope colonists. This decision will result in a reputation loss with the Board faction. The player will receive a unique pistol called the “Ultimatum” as a reward.
  • Leaving some of the DMSO for the Lifetime Employment Program: If the player chooses to leave some of the DMSO for the program, they will prioritize the well-being of the existing population of Halcyon. This decision will result in a reputation gain with the Board faction. The player will receive a unique shotgun called the “Euthanasia Kit” as a reward.

Impact on the player’s experiences later in the game

The decision in “The City and the Stars” has lasting consequences that affect the player’s experience throughout the game. Depending on the choice made, the player may have access to different quests, resources, and interactions with NPCs.

  • Taking all of the DMSO: If the player takes all of the DMSO, they may face more hostility from the Board faction and its allies. This could lead to more challenging encounters and a more difficult path towards completing the game’s main story.
  • Leaving some of the DMSO for the Lifetime Employment Program: If the player leaves some of the DMSO, they may find it easier to cooperate with the Board faction and its allies. This could lead to additional quests and opportunities related to the Board and a smoother path towards completing the game’s main story.

Additionally, the decision made in this quest may be referenced in later quests and conversations, showcasing the lasting impact of the player’s choice on the game world and its inhabitants. The ending of the game will also be affected by this decision, with different outcomes for the colony depending on whether the player prioritized the Hope colonists or the existing population of Halcyon.

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