Where is the code to open the stash with the crossbow?


The message on the top mentions a crossbow being inside and says the code was changed as requested but it doesn’t mention what the code actually is or even give a hint to where is. I’ve looked around the area trying to find it and can’t find any notes or clues to the padlock code.

Where is the code to open the stash with the crossbow
Alan Wake II

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1 Answer

savageeye -

There’s an area to the right that looks like it is being used for target practice. You will see some beer bottles, a smiling coffee jug and some numbers stuck to wooden posts. 

Some of these numbers have crossbow bolts stuck into them. If you look close, you will see one has 1 bolt, another has 2 and the final has 3. That’s your code in the order of the arrows. Should be 572

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