How do you steal a jet from the military base without getting shot down?


I have been able to make it inside the military base and can easily obtain a jet before anyone comes to stop me. Whenever I take off I get shot down almost immediately. I have tried all sorts of methods to dodge the missiles they come from the military base, but they always hit me. I’ve seen others fly them around so there has to be a trick to doing this. How do you successfully steal the jet from the military base in Grand Theft Auto V?

How do you steal a jet from the military base without getting shot down
Grand Theft Auto V

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1 Answer

Dan -

Stealing the army jet from the air Base is tricky at first, but it’s not as hard as it seems. The first thing that people always do wrong is to fly too high in the air. If you lift off the run way and try to fly high to avoid the cops, you are flying into the range of the missiles. The missiles from the air Base have good range in terms of height, but not too good in radius. As soon as you lift off the ground, stay very low. There is a dip once you get over the fence blocking the base. Fly over the fence and go down, flying as close to the ground as possible. Once you are a reasonable distance away from the base you can pull up and fly high in order to loose the cops. 

The bottom line to stealing the jet is to stay as low as possible to the ground in order to avoid the missile lock on.

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