How do you get to Fergus arm at the hangar?


I’ve spoken to all the people along the way and I am now at the hangar trying to find Fergus’ arm that he lost while drunk. I see a tunnel under the stairs but a crate is blocking the way through. I can’t move it or use the ram shackle charge. I’m guessing if I had the compressor contraption I could slip under the table, but I don’t see any way at the moment to get into that tunnel. How do you get in?

How do you get to Fergus arm at the hangar
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

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1 Answer

LeonDB40 -

You need to use the Laserkraftwerk. The shots from this weapon are able to destroy certain walls and stuff. If you shoot the crate it will dissolve the box Walla letting you crawl through to the vent on the other side. If you need to get more ammo for the gun, there is a charge station in the wall above the box.

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