Mobile Gaming: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

Ah, mobile gaming. It used to be all about having fun on the go, right? Remember the good old days of Snake on your Nokia 3310? Those were the times when games were simple, yet addictive, and you didn’t have to worry about being bombarded with ads every five seconds. Sadly, it seems that those days are long gone.

These days, it appears that mobile gaming has become nothing more than advertising in a weak disguise. The aim? To deliver the poorest possible product that people will still play, while making a killing on ad revenue. It’s like game developers have stopped trying to create enjoyable games and are instead focusing on how to milk us for every ad view they can get.

It’s not that we’re against ads in games – after all, developers need to make money somehow. But it’s the way mobile games are designed now that really grinds our gears. Gone are the days when games were made with passion and creativity. Instead, we’re stuck with games that feel like they were churned out by a soulless machine, designed to do just enough to pull the wool over our eyes.

The Rise of the “Freemium” Model

One of the main culprits for this shift in mobile gaming is the “freemium” model. You know, those games that are “free to play” but offer in-app purchases to speed up progress or unlock features. Sounds great in theory, but in reality, it often means that games are designed to be frustratingly slow or difficult unless you cough up some cash.

And if you’re not willing to spend money, well, then you’d better be ready to watch a whole lot of ads. Want to speed up that timer? Watch an ad. Need more lives? Watch an ad. It’s like they’re holding our fun hostage, and the ransom is our precious time and attention.

Quantity Over Quality

Another issue is the sheer number of mobile games available. With so many games being released every day, it’s no wonder that developers are more focused on quantity over quality. Why spend months or years perfecting a game when you can churn out a half-baked product and still make money from ad revenue?

This mindset has led to a flood of generic, uninspired games that are more focused on tricking you into watching ads than providing an enjoyable gaming experience.

So, What Can We Do?

As gamers, it’s easy to feel powerless in this situation. But the truth is, we have more control than we think. By being selective with the games we choose to play and support, we can send a message to developers that we won’t stand for ad-riddled, low-quality games.

So next time you’re browsing the app store, take a moment to research the game you’re about to download. Check the reviews, look for gameplay videos, and see if it’s a game made with passion and creativity, or just another cash-grab in disguise.

Together, we can bring the fun back to mobile gaming and show developers that we won’t be milked for ad revenue without a fight.


  1. I’m an indie game developer, I made my first game and I chose to go old-school.
    NO ADS and NO MICRO-TRANSACTIONS. just one time price.

    Anyone interested you can search for my game: Pongo17

    From an indie game developer noob who try to change something

    • Best of luck. Its a market dominated by sharks

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