I recently ran into a really annoying issue where I had registered for a PSN account and provided a fake Date of Birth (DOB). I have also gone and forgot the password for the account. Part of the password reset process involves having to provide your date of birth. Since the DOB provided was not real, I can’t remember what it is and as a result, am unable to reset the password. The support team will be quite unhelpful with this as providing false information is against the TOS. I have found a very helpful guide on Youtube that explains how you can reset the password without having to provide your date of birth. Here is how to reset PSN password without date of birth.
NOTICE: It appears that this method has since been patched and will no longer work. You can use this workaround to reset your date of birth on PSN
Reset PSN Password Without Date Of Birth
Working as of December 8th 2016
- Trigger a password reset using the standard password reset form on the PlayStation website or through any games console. This will send an email to your account.
- In the email you got from sony, you will see a URL variable called token. It will look something like “&token=…”. Copy and paste this token and save it into a text file.
- Take the token that you received from Sony in the email and insert it into this link in place of the token value.https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/security/validate-password-reset-token!input.action?token=*YOUR TOKEN HERE*&request_locale=en_GB&service-entity=psn
- Copy this URL and enter it into your web browsers URL bar and click enter. This will bring you to a form where you can reset your password without needing to know your date of birth.
I have tested this myself today and it worked perfectly. Here is the video guide that will help you out if you are stuck.
sony u blocked me out of my account plsss let bannanaman1583 back online with psn
This isnt a way to contact sony unfortunately, you will have to contact their support team