Why is My Character Walking Slowly in Fallout 4?


I’ve been playing Fallout 4 and recently noticed that my character is moving unusually slowly, almost like they’re stuck walking instead of running. I thought it might be due to carrying too much in my inventory. But even after lightening the load, the issue is still there. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Why is My Character Walking Slowly in Fallout 4
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1 Answer

GuacamoleFantastic -

The slow movement you’re experiencing could be due to a couple of reasons, as you’ve mentioned. First off, you can be overencumbered from carrying too much in your inventory is a usual suspect. It’s good that you’ve checked and managed your inventory weight, but if the problem persists, there are a couple of other things to consider.

If you are playing on PC, the Caps Lock key toggles walking and running. Since this key is next to the shift key will allows you to sprint, you may have hit it by accident and toggled walk. If you press caps lock again it will undo this and you will be back to running.

If you are playing on console, sometimes, controller wear or stick drift can cause your character to move slowly. Try using a different controller or resetting your current one to see if the issue persists.

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