Videogame enthusiasts probably won’t be surprised by the phenomenon of an oily build-up appearing on their controller’s rubber thumb sticks after a certain period of inactivity. Whether it’s witnessed on versatile PlayStation controllers, Xbox’s elegantly designed gamepads, or Nintendo’s innovative joy-cons, the phenomenon is commonly experienced by gamers worldwide.
The build-up may seem unusual and annoying, but it happens due to a variety of reasons. Let’s delve into the issue, the underpinning scientific principles, and a guide on how to effectively deal with this situation.
What is the Oily Build-Up?
The oily build-up appearing on your controller’s thumb sticks isn’t a sign of uncleanliness—even those keeping their controllers in impeccable conditions encounter it. It is a result of the chemical composition of the controller materials, coupled with environmental factors, leading to a slightly slick, glossy, or sticky layer formed on the surface of the thumb sticks.
Why Does it Happen?
Here are some reasons why you may notice such a build-up on your controllers’ thumb sticks:
- Plasticizer Migration: The rubber used in thumb sticks contains chemicals known as plasticizers to keep it flexible and durable. Over time, these may migrate towards the surface, giving that oily feel.
- Reactions with Air, Light, and Temperature: Rubber materials used in thumb sticks can react with the air’s oxygen, ambient light, or temperature—they undergo oxidative reactions that can cause these substances to rise to the surface.
- Human Skin Interaction: The oil from our hands, perspiration, or lotion can be absorbed by the rubber over time, causing it to seep out when the controller isn’t being used.
How to Clean Thumb Stick Build-Up
Regular maintenance can help mitigate the oily build-up on your thumb sticks. Follow these steps:
- Switch off and Disconnect Your Controller: Always ensure the controller is off and disconnected from any power source to avoid any electrical accidents.
- Dampen a Cloth with Isopropyl Alcohol: Use a microfiber cloth to avoid scratches and pour a small amount of isopropyl alcohol (70%), commonly used as lens cleaner or rubbing alcohol.
- Wipe the Thumb Sticks: Gently wipe the thumb sticks until the oily film is gone. The alcohol helps in breaking down the oils without damaging the rubber.
- Dry the Controller: After cleaning, let the controller dry thoroughly before using it again.
Remember that prevention is the best way to address the issue. Aim to give your controller a wipe down after extended use—this can help minimize the amount of oil that builds up over time.
The oily build-up on your game controller’s thumb sticks may seem like a minor nuisance, but understanding its causes and solutions can maximize your gaming potential. Regular maintenance can not only increase the lifespan of your accessories but can also ensure a smooth, uninterrupted gaming experience every single time.