What is the point of coins in Mario Kart 8?


The coins are scattered all over every map and when I get hit I loose some, but I don’t see what the point of them is. What do coins do in Mario Kart 8? Is there any good reason to be going out of my way to make sure that I have 10 coins on me?

What is the point of coins in Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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1 Answer

Dan -

I’m not sure how much work has gone into investigating this, but there is apparently 2 reasons to collect coins. The first is that the more coins you have, the higher your top speed. So if you and another player with the exact same kart had a drag race, a player with 10 coins could reach a higher top speed. This is obviously only useful if you are reaching the top speed. The second is that you are meant to get a small speed boost when you pick up a coin. It isn’t huge, but you are meant to get a little kick for each coin, even if you have collected the max of 10 coins already. 

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