Harvester won't harvest the grain in a field even though it's ready


I have a field full of grain ready to harvest. I drove my harvester over and I drive over the grain but it doesn’t cut it down. I tried to ourchapu a new harvester with the same head and it was able to harvest the grain just fine. Has my harvester glitched out?

Harvester wont harvest the grain in a field even though its ready
Farming Simulator 17

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1 Answer

LeonDB40 -

Check to see if the harvester is empty. It will not allow you to harvest any more grain if it is full up. It will also not let you harvest the field if the grain type you are trying to harvest is different to the grain that is already inside the harvester. You are unable to mix grain types. To save you the trouble. Make sure the harvester is emptied completely and try to harvest the field then.


  1. My harvester isn’t working field is ready and I have zero grain in my harvester and I have used the same harvester last season why wont it work?

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