Error Codes & Bugs Questions & Answers


I have just started playing the full game and the character I had from the demo is inside a room that I cant get out of.

When I try to play Outriders on Xbox Live I get the message "internet connection error could not connect to ourdiers servers" . How do i get around this?

When enemies are turned into chickens, will killing them still count toward the chalice completion percentage as this was something that did not happen with the original game.

My game save appears to have become corrupt with the error Saved data is damaged and cannot be loaded

When I am given the objective to escort Hunwald to his home it keeps telling me that i need to be anonymous when I try to go into his house. What am i doing wrong?

When I try to connect the PS4 to the PS5 for remote play, I get an error on the PS5 that says something went wrong CE-110024-8

Birstan is not leaving toward the objective after I have killed the bears that are attacking him. How do you fix this?

Is there a way to fix a corrupted game save in assassin's creed valhalla?

I have killed the leader and I now have to leave with Bjorn but he isn't moving

When I view the map in assassin's creed Valhalla I get an online service error 0xb0000000