Stuck in room with character from demo


I just downloaded the full version of Outriders that came with gamepass and the character from the demo is here. I didn’t get too far but i spent some time grinding to get some better gear and I would like to keep playing with this character. The problem is that I am currently stuck inside a room that the game has spawned me inside. There is a doorway that looks like it can move as it is a slightly different shade to the door next to it but I cant interact with it. When i press the button to show which quest to follow, the blue line goes through this doorway but I can’t get through. What is going on here?

I am playing this on the Series X.

outriders stuck in room

Stuck in room with character from demo

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1 Answer

Dan -

This is a bug with the game, you cant get out of this room when you are in this situation. The good news is that it is possible to get out. You will need to return back to the main menu and select a different story point to start from. You should have the objective to “Speak with Jakub to leave for the First City”. If you select the story point that comes before this “Attend the debrief with Jakum and Shira at her command room” you will get teleported out of this room and will no longer be blocked.

outriders story point
Select the previous story point and it will get you out of the room you are stuck inside of


  1. Thank you, had the same problem!!

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