Online service error showing up in world map


I am getting an error message when I view the game map. I am not trying to do anything that involves an internet connection, just trying to view where my quest objective is on the map.

The error message code looks like it might even be a mistake.[0xb000000]

Valhalla online service error

Online service error showing up in world map
Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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1 Answer

GuacamoleFantastic -

You should be able to just dismiss it and ignore it if you aren’t doing anything that requires the online connection. This is likely some sort of system they have to spy on people to prevent piracy and maybe find some way to track what you do to sell you stuff in the future. The game does require an Ubisoft account so this is likely how they track you


  1. I noticed after the error the game no longer saves unless you manually save. I found this after playing for three hours one session and having to replay the entire play again.

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