Error Codes & Bugs Questions & Answers


Discussing the PSN suspension issue indicated by error code NP-44953-5 and tips on resolving it and checking suspension duration.

Whenever I try to join a lobby in helldivers through quick play I get an error failed to join lobby

Is there a way to reset quests via the debug window or console commands in Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4

I am stuck on a mission where there are soldiers that i need to kill but they are stuck inside of a truck and wont get out. I cant kill them.

I am unable to make the game cycle between day and night anymore, does anyone know why this is happening?

I am unable to open the door that contains the prisoners for the quest In his wake, anyone know what to do?

I am stuck at the opening mission for the burning shores where I need to follow Seyka up the mountain but she is not moving anywhere.

Why has my weapon and character disappeared in Lightfall. I can't see my sights on the gun or anything and it won't go away

Destiny 2 on PS5 is stuck in a loop of installing the update file but it doesn't seem to be doing anything?

There is a barrier over the locate Spiders Ketch objective marker