MediEvil Questions & Answers

This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips. If you are having trouble with a game console, PC setup or any in game related things that you need help with, you can get some help here. You will find a selection of popular questions that have been asked for various video games and game platforms below.


MediEvil Box Art


Re-live the original adventure on PlayStation 4. The beloved fan-favorite has been completely remade from the grave up, blending classic gameplay with stunning visuals, all in eye-popping native 4K!


When enemies are turned into chickens, will killing them still count toward the chalice completion percentage as this was something that did not happen with the original game.

I am missing two entries from the book of Gallowmere. I have all chalices and the game is complete

I have collected all 8 helmets a d I am unable to get into the boat with the grim reaper.

How do you get the reward for finding all of the fairies and fireflies in the ant Caves in medievil?

Should I accept the witches quest in the enchanted earth level in medievil?

What does the chicken drumsticks weapon do in medievil. I got it from the witch and it isn't much use

Where is the harvester cog in the scarecrow fields level in medievil