Outriders Questions & Answers

This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips. If you are having trouble with a game console, PC setup or any in game related things that you need help with, you can get some help here. You will find a selection of popular questions that have been asked for various video games and game platforms below.


Outriders Box Art


Outriders is a 1-3 player co-op RPG shooter set in an original, dark and desperate sci-fi universe. As mankind bleeds out in the trenches of Enoch, you’ll create your own Outrider and embark on a journey across the hostile planet. With rich storytelling spanning a diverse world, you’ll leave behind the slums and shanty towns of the First City and traverse forests, mountains and desert in the pursuit of a…


I have just started playing the full game and the character I had from the demo is inside a room that I cant get out of.

When I try to play Outriders on Xbox Live I get the message "internet connection error could not connect to ourdiers servers" . How do i get around this?

What is the name of the song that is played during the first cinematic video in Outriders?