How do you dispose of the bodies once you have hijacked a ship?


How does everyone get rid of the bodies after you’ve taken a ship? I tried looking for some proper ways to do it, but it seems like it’s a common hurdle for a lot of us. Do you usually find a special method to clear ’em out, or is there a go-to trick I’m missing? I’m all ears, and any advice or tricks are super welcomed!

How do you dispose of the bodies once you have hijacked a ship

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2 Answers

Marvin Mason -

What I usually do is just switch my home ship to another one, then switch it back. It seems like when I do that, the bodies just disappear, and I can go about my business without any issues. Easy-peasy!

Dan -

I had the same issue, but then I found out you can actually clean it up if you register it through a port technician. After you do that, everything’s all clear and good to go, like nothing happened. Try it out, it worked for me!

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