Where is the option to save the game? I have looked through the pause menu and I don’t see any way to save the game. I don’t see any auto save either.
1 Answer
In order to save the game in Grand Theft Auto Vice City you need to go to a save game point. You cannot save the game via the pause menu.
Save game points are located around the city and can be found whenever you buy a property. If you have just started then your first game save point will be at the ocean view hotel. This is the hotel near the start if the game.
One if the early missions in the game will show you how and where to save the game.
Game save points is marked on the map with a pink and black cassette tape icon.
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Why are there only eight save points in the vice city pc version?
Please i need to save the game inorder to continue where I am when i come back after any time.
How can I do it???