How Do You Complete The Mr. Whoopie Ice Cream Missions?


I have tried doing some of the missions in the Mr. Whoopie ice cream van how do you complete them? Selling ice creams is a real chore and is boring as hell! Is there any end to them in order to complete the missions or do they just go on forever?

How Do You Complete The Mr. Whoopie Ice Cream Missions
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

After you buy the Mr Whoopee ice cream factory a mission will trigger when you get into the ice cream van. In order to pass this mission you will need to sell 50 ice creams in the one session. If you get busted mid way through you will have to start again from scratch.

Once you have sold 50 ice creams you can end the mission by getting out of the van. The mission will not end automatically once you have sold enough ice creams, so you will have to exit the van to end the mission.

Once you have sold 50 ice creams and exit the van, the mission will end and you will now be able to collect money from the Mr Whoopee ice cream factory.

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