Whats PlayStation VR?


There are lots of games on the PS store that say they need the Playstation VR headset, what is it?

1 Answer

Dan -

The PSVR is Sony’s version of a VR headset. It was released for the PS4 and there is currently a fairly large library of VR games on the Playstation store for it. You can find a list of the latest PSVR games here. 

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PSVR System Image


The PSVR is the first VR headset released by Sony for PlayStation game consoles. The technology used might not live up to that of the more expensive headsets for PCs. What can be said is that it is the most affordable and provides great value for money. Below you will find a list of game guides, tutorials and other helpful posts that are related to games released on the PSVR.…


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