Worst Video Game Characters Of All Time

They say that not all heroes wear capes, but, unfortunately, not all heroes are particularly well-liked either. In this list, we’re taking a look at the worst video game characters of all time. These characters left gamers feeling exasperated, annoyed, or just plain disappointed by their virtual counterparts. Whether it’s due to bad design, irritating personalities, or lackluster storylines, these characters just didn’t do it for us.

So, grab a seat, relax, and let’s laugh (or cringe) our way through this list of the most detestable video game characters to ever grace our screens. Sure, they’ve left a few sour tastes in our mouths, but at least they’ve given us some stories to tell and moments to recount with fellow gamers. No gaming experience, even with these dreaded characters, is ever wasted. Let’s dive in and see who made the cut!

Roman Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV)


Niko Bellic's cousin, Roman, is known for his excessive neediness and frequent phone calls, often inviting Niko to participate in mundane activities like bowling or playing darts. His constant interruptions can be annoying, particularly when they occur during important missions or tense moments in the game.

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Natalya Simonova (GoldenEye 007)


In this classic first-person shooter, Natalya serves as a critical ally, but her slow movement, propensity for getting in the way, and tendency to be killed during escort missions make her a frustrating character for players to protect and work with.

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Moneybags (Spyro series)


This greedy bear is known for his avarice and smug attitude, often requiring Spyro to pay him large sums of gems to access new areas or unlock abilities. Moneybags' unapologetic greed and smarmy comments make him a particularly detestable character.

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Navi (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)


This tiny fairy, despite being a helpful guide, is often criticized for her incessant nagging and repetitive phrases, such as "Hey! Listen!" and "Watch out!" Her constant interruptions can be grating, making her one of the most notoriously annoying characters in video game history.

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Omochao (Sonic Adventure 2)


This robotic Chao is designed to provide helpful tips and guidance to players but often ends up hindering progress with its overly obvious advice and tendency to interrupt gameplay. Omochao's constant presence and repetitive dialogue make it an unwelcome companion.

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Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island)


In this iconic platformer, Yoshi must protect Baby Mario while traversing treacherous levels. However, when Baby Mario is separated from Yoshi, he emits a high-pitched, incessant cry that can quickly wear on players' nerves, making his presence more of a burden than a blessing.

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Preston Garvey (Fallout 4)


As the leader of the Minutemen, Preston frequently assigns the player character settlement-related tasks, often with little variation. His constant reminders that "another settlement needs your help" have become a meme in the gaming community and a source of frustration for players.

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Slippy Toad (Star Fox series)


As a member of the Star Fox team, Slippy's primary role is to provide technical support. However, his high-pitched voice, frequent need for rescue, and tendency to state the obvious often leave players more frustrated than grateful for his presence.

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Tingle (The Legend of Zelda series)


This eccentric character, dressed in a green bodysuit, is obsessed with fairies and maps. While his enthusiasm is endearing to some, many players find Tingle's flamboyant personality, high-pitched voice, and bizarre antics off-putting and irritating.

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Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4)


As the daughter of the U.S. President and Leon S. Kennedy's primary escort mission, Ashley is notorious for her helpless demeanor and tendency to get captured by enemies. Her constant cries for help and inability to defend herself make her a particularly frustrating character for players to protect.

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Eric Sparrow (Tony Hawk's Underground)


As the player's rival and former friend, Eric consistently undermines the protagonist's efforts, taking credit for their achievements and betraying their trust. His deceitful actions and obnoxious attitude make him one of the most hated characters in the Tony Hawk franchise.

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Micah Bell (Red Dead Redemption 2)


As a member of the Van der Linde gang, Micah's ruthless and selfish behavior often puts the group in danger. His arrogance, lack of loyalty, and penchant for causing conflict make him a universally disliked character among players.

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