Games Set In An Alternative History

Greetings, time travelers and alternate history aficionados! Strap on your imagination helmets and explore the thrilling world of video games set in alternative histories. These fantastic digital realms have expertly toyed with the “what-ifs” of our past, presenting us with altered timelines, reimagined events, and a captivating blend of fiction and reality. From bizarre steampunk inventions to dystopian societies, these games have taken creative license with history and crafted unforgettable experiences.

So, power up your flux capacitors and dive into this list of top games set in alternative histories! We’ll revisit familiar events with a twist, explore hidden corners of the multiverse, and marvel at the ingenious ways developers have reshaped our world’s narrative. Whether you’re a history buff with a penchant for the peculiar or a gaming enthusiast seeking new worlds to conquer, this list is sure to tickle your fancy and spark your curiosity. Let’s journey through the annals of gaming’s alternate pasts and uncover the secrets that lie within these pixelated paradoxes!

Wolfenstein Series


The iconic Wolfenstein series showcases a chilling alternative reality in which the Nazis won World War II. As B.J. Blazkowicz, players battle against the terrifying regime, their advanced technology, and the supernatural forces they've harnessed to maintain their iron grip on the world.

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Resistance: Fall of Man


In an alternate 1951, Earth faces an alien invasion known as the Chimera in Resistance Fall of Man. These brutal creatures sweep across the globe, turning humans into monstrous hybrids. Players step into the shoes of Sergeant Nathan Hale, fighting to protect humanity and thwart the Chimera's sinister plans.

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Singularity transports players to the mysterious Russian island of Katorga-12 in 2010, where a time manipulation device has caused a rift in history. As protagonist Nate Renko, players must navigate the island's past and present, battling mutated creatures and soldiers while uncovering the truth behind a catastrophic event from 1955 that threatens humanity's future.

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Freedom Fighters


In Freedom Fighters, the Soviet Union has emerged victorious from World War II, spreading communism across the globe. Set in an alternate 2003, players join a group of resistance fighters in New York City, battling against the Soviet occupation. Engage in guerrilla warfare, recruit allies, and sabotage enemy operations in a desperate bid to reclaim America and restore freedom.

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Fallout Series


The Fallout series presents a post-apocalyptic world set in an alternate timeline where the 1950s' atomic age culture persisted until a devastating nuclear war in 2077. Players explore the desolate wastelands of the United States, encountering mutated creatures, warring factions, and remnants of a society struggling to rebuild.

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Red Alert Series: The Command & Conquer


Red Alert series kicks off with an alternate history where Albert Einstein travels back in time to eliminate Hitler, inadvertently sparking a different World War II. The games feature a Cold War-era struggle between the Allies and the Soviet Union, with both sides employing advanced technology and experimental weaponry in their quests for global domination.

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Homefront paints a chilling picture of an alternate 2027, in which a unified Korea invades and occupies the United States. Players join a resistance movement fighting for freedom against the brutal regime, employing guerrilla tactics and unconventional warfare to reclaim their homeland.

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BioShock Series


Set in an alternate 1960, the BioShock series introduces players to the underwater city of Rapture. Built by business magnate Andrew Ryan, Rapture was designed as a utopia for society's elite. However, the city's descent into chaos, driven by genetic experiments and power struggles, paints a haunting picture of a twisted dream gone awry.

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Assassin's Creed Series


While not strictly an alternate history, the Assassin's Creed series intertwines real historical events with a secret war between the Assassins and Templars. Players relive the memories of their ancestors through a device called the Animus, experiencing pivotal moments in history from the Crusades to the American Revolution, all while unraveling a hidden narrative that offers a fresh perspective on our past.

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The Order: 1886


Set in an alternate Victorian London, The Order 1886 follows a group of knights battling against supernatural forces threatening humanity. This reimagining of history blends advanced technology and ancient mythology, pitting players against werewolves, vampires, and other dark creatures in a stunning steampunk world.

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Hearts of Iron Series


The Hearts of Iron series offers players the chance to rewrite history during the tumultuous years surrounding World War II. Taking control of a nation, players must navigate the complex web of politics, economics, and warfare to shape their own alternate version of history and achieve global dominance.

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Crimson Skies


In the high-flying world of Crimson Skies, the United States fractured into multiple nation-states in the 1930s following the Great Depression. This alternative history sees players taking on the role of a daring air pirate, navigating a world filled with intrigue, adventure, and daring dogfights in the skies.

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