Best Video Game Opening Sequences

We all know how crucial first impressions can be. That’s just as true in video games as it is in life. A stunning opening sequence not only sets the tone but also hooks us. That’s why we’ve created a run-down of the best video game opening sequences that left us awe-struck.

From breathtaking visuals that made our jaws drop to intense narratives that had us on the edge of our seats, these opening sequences truly made these games unforgettable. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a trip down memory lane as we dive into these epic starts that hooked us right from the get-go. And who knows? You might just rediscover your next gaming obsession!



BioShock's opening sequence begins with a plane crash in the middle of the ocean. The player swims to a mysterious lighthouse, eventually descending into the underwater city of Rapture. This atmospheric introduction sets a sense of mystery and intrigue, immersing players in the game's unique setting.

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Portal's opening sequence places the player in a sterile room within the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, with no immediate context. Guided by the AI GLaDOS, the player begins navigating a series of test chambers using the game's iconic portal gun. This minimalist opening effectively introduces the game's unique mechanics and sets the stage for the darkly humorous narrative that unfolds.

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The Last of Us


The opening sequence of The Last of Us begins with a prologue that introduces Joel and his daughter Sarah. As the world falls into chaos due to an outbreak, they try to escape their town but tragically, Sarah is killed. This emotionally charged opening sets the stage for the game's themes of survival, loss, and humanity.

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Fallout 3


Fallout 3's opening sequence takes place in Vault 101, where the player character is born and raised. Through a series of scenes spanning from the player's birth to their escape from the vault, the game introduces its post-apocalyptic setting and gameplay mechanics. This opening effectively immerses players in the world of Fallout while setting up the game's central narrative.

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty


The opening sequence of Metal Gear Solid 2 features protagonist Solid Snake infiltrating a tanker in the middle of a storm. The scene showcases the game's stunning graphics and stealth mechanics, setting the stage for the espionage action that follows.

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Mass Effect 2


Mass Effect 2's opening sequence starts with the Normandy, Commander Shepard's ship, being attacked and destroyed by an unknown enemy. Shepard sacrifices their life to save a crew member, only to be resurrected later by the Cerberus organization. This dramatic opening sets high stakes for the game, showing players that they are in for an intense adventure.

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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


Uncharted 2's opening sequence begins with the protagonist, Nathan Drake, waking up on a train hanging off a cliff. As he struggles to climb up and escape the wreckage, the scene flashes back to reveal the events that led to this moment. This thrilling opening instantly hooks players with its action and suspense.

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God of War


The opening sequence of God of War features Kratos chopping down a tree, symbolizing the beginning of his journey with his son Atreus. This intimate moment establishes their relationship and sets the emotional tone for the game. The scene is powerful because it contrasts with Kratos' previous violent nature, showing a more vulnerable side of the character.

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Half-Life 2


Half-Life 2 starts with protagonist Gordon Freeman waking up on a train arriving in City 17, a dystopian city controlled by an oppressive regime. This opening sequence effectively introduces the game's world and oppressive atmosphere, setting the stage for the player's rebellion against the regime.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Skyrim's opening sequence has the player character bound and taken to the village of Helgen for execution. As they are about to be executed, a dragon attacks the village, providing an opportunity to escape. This cinematic opening immerses players in the game's world and sets the stage for the epic adventure that follows.

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Final Fantasy VII


Final Fantasy VII opens with a sweeping shot of the city of Midgar, eventually focusing on the protagonist, Cloud Strife, as he leaps off a train to join an eco-terrorist group. This opening effectively establishes the game's dystopian setting, introduces key characters, and sets up the main conflict.

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


The opening sequence starts with Link waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection, stepping out into the vast world of Hyrule. The camera pans across the beautiful landscape, showcasing the game's open-world design and inviting players to explore. This sequence is effective because it sets the tone for the game and creates a sense of wonder and adventure.

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