Reaping Machine Not Cutting Crops

reaping machine not cutting

Automating farming tasks is an important part of Craftopia. Machines exist to make the farming of things like wheat, which will be required in large quantities to create biofuel. The sprinkler will ensure crops are watered but what about cutting off the crops? The reaping machine seems like the tool for this, but after crafting one and placing it, you might find that it isn’t working, what gives?

Having spent some time, It would appear that the reaping machine should cut down crops but it is either bugged or the intention for this tool is not what it seems (if someone knows the true intention, please comment below).

If you want to automate the cutting of crops you will need to use a spinning saw instead. I would suggest building a fence around it so it doesn’t drive off and start chopping down trees before eventually getting lost on the island. You can follow this guide to automate a wheat farm to figure out how to build a super effective and easy to build farm.

reaping machine not cutting
The rotating saws are currently the only way to harvest crops. You will need to lock one of these info your farm to make it work.

Even if the reaping machine can be used for cutting crops, you will need to build many of them to cover all of the plots of soil. The spinning saw is capable of travelling around the farm and cutting all of the crops for you. This makes a far more efficient solution to crop automation.


  1. I found out how to make the reaping machine work. There is a way to place it onto an individual farm plot near the edge. It will only harvest the one plot unfortunately. But if it is not within the crops, it will not harvest.

  2. I know this is super late, but the way you set up Reaping Machines is you have to place them BEFORE you water the crops. Place it in the center of the empty field, then when it is watered and the plants grow up, it pops up and reaps. It takes 1 reaping Machine per field.

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