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Breath of The Wild Elixir Recipes

Elixir recipes are created by putting ingredients into a pot to produce some potion like item that will boost Links stats. Every elixir will be made up of 2 key components. Critters and monster parts. For example, a frog and...
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Breath of The Wild Recipe Buffs Guide

Depending on the ingredients you add to any recipe, you will get some sort of a buff from it. For example, using a Chilly Melon will create a food dish that grants Link a resistance to the hot desert and...
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How To Upgrade Carry Capacity

Aloy can hold a lot of resources from the very beginning, but over time you may start to hit limitations on what she can carry, simply because there is so much stuff to pick up. Item carry capacity can be...
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How To Get The Tesla Gun In WW2 Zombies

What would Nazi Zombies be in a Call of Duty game without its share of easter eggs? In the past COD games, the Wunderwaffe was the equivalent of a Tesla Gun. The difference between this gun and the Tesla Gun...
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How To Find Xur In Destiny 2

Xur is back in Destiny 2 and along with him comes the weekly hunt to find out what special goodies he has for us this week. Thankfully, Xur is far easier to look for in this game, making it a...
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Shield Weaver Armor Guide

The Shield Weaver armor is an advanced armor set that was created by the ancients. It is a rare inventory item that takes some work to obtain. Some will regard the Shield Weaver Armor as the best armor set that...
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Metal Flowers Collectible Guide

Metal flowers are a collectible in Horizon Zero Dawn. They are grouped into sets of 10 and scattered around the game world. As you might expect, they are not actually flowers, they are some kind of ancient machine. You can...
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Fastest Way To Increase Gear Score In Division 2

Once you reach level 30 and complete all of the main story missions in Division 2, you will reach what is known as the end game. From this point, standard leveling is no longer important and instead the focus is...
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Niflheim Mist Echo Farming Guide - God of War

If you have just arrived in Niflheim then you have quite a bit of grinding ahead of you if you want to get the best armor set in God of War. Getting a large amount of mist echos in can be a...
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How To Get The Best Armor Set In God of War

This guide will give you the answer to the million dollar question, what is the best armor set in God of War. The best armor set is actually quite easy to get, although it does require a bit of grinding....