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Yaoi Art Piece Locations

The Yaoi art pieces are the fancy pictures of Craig and Tweek that you find all around South Park. Some are easy to get at the start of the game and others will be blocked from obtaining until you have...
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Mr. Adams Poster Location Guide

When you visit the interrogation room you will find that it is covered with weird pictures of clowns. Speak with the man here and he will introduce himself and give you a quest to find 8 posters of him that...
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Bioshock Director Commentary Reel Locations

The directory commentary was added to the Bioshock games released in the Bioshock Collection. It is not immediately obvious how to actually listen to the commentary which is a bit of a pain, but once you know that the commentary is now a...
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Hellblade Lorestone Location Guide

There are a total of 44 Lorestones in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Collecting them all will unlock an achievement/trophy called "Stories From the North". Lorestones can be easily missed at times, this guide will give you the location of all 44...
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Uncharted The Lost Legacy Collectible Guide

Uncharted The Lost Legacy has its share of collectible items like all past Uncharted games have had. You will find a lot of them without trying, but for the more difficult ones, this guide will help. There are 145 collectible...
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Zora's Helmet Location

The Zora Helmet is part of the Zora Armor set. The helmet cannot be purchased like other armor pieces. Instead, you will need to locate a chest that contains this helmet. The chest that contains Zora's Helmet can be found...
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Where To Find Ancient Gears, Springs and Cores

Ancient items such as gears, springs, and cores are common components needed to purchase items and also a key component in obtaining and upgrading the Ancient Armor set. The items are common enough, but if you are not looking in...