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Bioshock 2 HD Collection Drops Multiplayer Trophies

Gaming News
I have been looking forward to the Bioshock HD Collection as I loved the games, but never ended up paying for the DLC at the time. I ended up getting the platinum trophy in Bioshock twice as I loved the...
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Nintendo Deleting Mario Maker Levels Without Warning

Gaming News
Ever since the release of the highly popular Mario Maker for the Wii U, Nintendo have been doing a pretty bad job at working with the community. Updates have been getting released randomly that break levels and Nintendo have been...
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First Level Of Super Mario 64 Remade In Unity

Gaming Posts
Nintendo have been quite slow to jump onto the HD remake band wagon, this has lead to a massive influx of gamers and modders remaking games for themselves. Today we have one such video, a HD remake of Super Mario...
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Uncharted 4 Has Gone Gold

Gaming News
Feels like only yesterday that we got to see the first ever reveal trailer for Uncharted 4. A long development for Uncharted 4 seems to have flown by quite quickly. The day of release is almost upon us, development work...
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Warcraft 3 Getting Update 14 Years After Release

Gaming News
A lot of developers are criticized these days for spitting out new games so frequently that the previous games get forgotten about very quickly. Blizzard is one developer that can most definitely not be accused of this. Warcraft 3 was...
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Rocket League Getting New Basketball Game Mode

Gaming News
Rocket League has been gathering a massive amount of steam since it first released on the PS4. The highly popular car controlled soccer game has blown it's precursor out of the water and become one of the more popular games of...
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Gamer Finds Prison Architect 3D Game Setting

Gaming News
Prison Architect is the awesomely addictive game where you are given the hands of god and tasked to build and manage a prison. Until now the game has been strictly a top down view, which makes the most sense for...
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Doom Developer Releases Alternative Game Covers

Gaming News
The cover art was released for the upcoming release of Doom several months ago an was met with a lot of criticism from gamers. The criticism was completely understandable as the cover art was pretty boring and generic. They say...
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Ubisoft Have Created A Stone PS4 Ahead Of The Farcry Primal Release

Gaming Videos
Over the years we have seen some fantastic console mods that have turned a regular games console into an amazing piece of art. Generally this involves a talented artist, painting over the existing plastic and creating a realistic looking effect...
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Hilarious New Game Where Leo DiCaprio Fights To Collect Acting Awards

The Oscars are on the way and like almost every year in recent memory Leonardo Dicaprio is up for an Oscar that he most definitely deserves to win, but has not yet won. The frustration of fans has brought us...