What force power is required to reach the rope in Jedi Knight Fallen Order after freeing the wookies?


I’m currently playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and I’m stuck at a point where I have to reach a rope after freeing the wookies. I’m not sure what force power is required to get to the rope. Can anyone help me out?

What force power is required to reach the rope in Jedi Knight Fallen Order after freeing the wookies
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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2 Answers

SteveSickle89 -

Players have to revisit planets multiple times. The game is fun but the backtracking can be frustrating. You need to come back later when you have the right power

savageeye -

You need to use the force power of force pull to reach the rope. If you don’t have the power yet, you will have to come back to it later. This power can be acquired by progressing further in the game.

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